Colors: Flattering Versus Favorite

When talking about what to wear, there is a lot of consideration for what’s flattering. That can mean a lot of different things, but one of the most significant categories is color.

What colors flatter you?

Which colors should you avoid?

What season are you?

What about your favorite colors?

I recommend looking for a balance between what you should wear and what you want to wear.

Wearing your favorite color should bring you a joy and comfort that shows on your face. Colors with that effect are ones that you should wear. For me, that’s yellow! Yellow clothes make me happy.

That being said, you may love a color that you don’t love on you. And that’s okay! You can incorporate it in accessories, home decor, or another area. Or maybe try different shades and saturations to see if you prefer one. I love to wear yellow, but not shades that are too pastel or too orangey.

Colors that compliment your coloring (like colors in your season) are also good to identify. Working with what you have (like your eyes, skin, and hair colors) is an important part of building lasting confidence. For me, that’s green; it really makes my eyes pop.

However, just because something technically looks good according to a color chart does not mean you’ll like it on you or want to wear it. Or, like I said above, maybe you’ll only like a few tones and not the full spectrum of an assigned color. I think I’m supposed to wear pastels, but I do not enjoy wearing them (as discussed here!).

The most important element to keep in mind while you’re shopping for and styling your pieces is: what will and do you actually wear?

All that is to say, wear the colors that you love to wear. If you feel flattered, you’ll look flattered. I hope this gives you permission to follow your instincts and wear what you love and feel good in! And if you need help figuring that out, give me a shout!

Mary KaltreiderComment