Tips for Remembering Your Closet

We’re all guilty of memory issues when it comes to our closets. This leads to not wearing enough of our closet, which means not getting enough utility or value out of our clothes, and shopping mistakes, like buying pieces just like ones we already have or buying something that doesn’t go with anything.

Here are three ways to ameliorate this issue, though I have to admit that none are quick fixes. It takes some time and effort, but pays off when you can really enjoy and use your wardrobe and are more successful when you shop.

Go through your closet regularly

It will remind you of what you have, as well as giving you an opportunity to sort (like if you see those jeans you know you actually hate or shoes that don’t fit comfortably - get rid of them!)

Have everything easily visible

If you can’t see it, you won’t remember it; if you don’t have enough easily accessible space, try seasonal storage or a capsule wardrobe

Have a concise, edited, or capsule wardrobe

If there’s not as much to remember, it’s easier! Any limitations you give yourself (I know there aren’t any wide leg pants because I don’t wear them, my main colors are yellow and green, etc) help you remember what you have and give you parameters when you shop. This can be as constricting, logical, or arbitrary as you want because it is all about making storing, styling and shopping easier for you.

Are there any other tricks that you use? I’d love to hear them!

Mary KaltreiderComment