Q&A: How I Blog

I like the idea of sharing more about the how and why I blog, so here are some answers to some questions you may or may not have!

  • Did you already own the clothes, or do you buy them for x post?

    • Unless I mention I purchased something for that specific outfit post, I already had it! I’m a collector, a repeater. I tend to hold on to clothes just as much as I like to buy clothes.

  • Are you given any clothes?

    • I am given clothes and accessories as presents, from my dear ones, yes. Have never (not yet?) received any clothing from a brand or anything like that. Any outfit detail that says gift means that it was actually given to me by someone I know for a reason usually having to do with a holiday or my birthday. 

  • How do you edit your pictures?

    • I don’t! I filtered the first few posts, then realized it was difficult to make everything cohesive, it didn’t accomplish much, I was too lazy, and I would rather just show it how it is. I try for good lighting, but don’t do anything to the pictures in post. I take pictures in portrait mode with the studio lights setting. 

  • Where do you get the pictures?

    • I take them! If there is an exception (like for an inspired-by post), I note the source.

  • Who takes your pictures? 

    • It’s all me, baby! I use a tripod, a remote, and my phone. 

  • Where do you get your post ideas?

    • I think and talk about clothes and style frequently. Whenever I have an idea, an insight, an inspiring conversation, I write it down! I have a series of notebooks in the notes app on my phone where I keep these ideas, and I’m adding to them all the time.

    • I take a lot of inspiration from everything around me, from nature and art to books and movies. Anything with color and/or texture inspires combinations and I just go where my mind takes me.

  • Do you really wear those outfits?

    • Yes, I really wear these outfits! I also wear gym clothes and pajamas before I ~get dressed for the day~. I don’t feature those because, unless I’ve styled it and it’s what I’m committing to for the day, I just don’t want to. I post the outfits that I put on after I shower for the day. Sometimes that’s at 8am, sometimes it’s 4pm. My days are very flexible. I also like to shower after getting certain tasks done (like cleaning or working out).

  • Do you get dressed just for the blog?

    • I absolutely do not get dressed just for the blog. It’s all for me. Anyone who knows me outside of the blog can verify that this is how I’ve been expressing myself for a very long time.

Do you have any other questions for me? I would love to answer them! Comment below or shoot me an email.

Mary KaltreiderComment