YWT: After Your Appointment

So, imagine you’ve just had Your Wardrobe Therapy appointment. What happens next?

I compile my notes from your session, making sure that everything is clear, accurate, and as helpful as possible.

These notes will include your shopping list, styling tips, and outfit notes.

I source any storage solution pieces that we may have discussed, or any other specific item that you may be looking for. Maybe you’re looking for a set of drawers, dividers, a new mirror, or accessories bins. If I can find options, I will share them!

If it’s relevant to your appointment, I also include before and after photos of your space. It’s so easy to forget how much your closet has changed, and the direct comparison is so satisfying!

There are also a set of primers with tips and questions that I share with clients.

I really want your experience to continue beyond your appointment time, for you to have a reminder of what we talked about, and a resource to utilize until your next season.

Contact me today to setup your consultation!

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