What makes a good outfit?

A recent conversation that made me think: what makes a good outfit?

There isn’t a clear answer because it’s subjective. We key in on colors, patterns, and shapes that are appealing to us. Sometimes we want something familiar (classic, trendy, or otherwise popular), sometimes we want something different (bold, striking, unexpected), or a combination of the two. The same piece in a different sartorial context can have a totally different impact, going from awkward to chic and back again. 

Speaking personally, what do I think makes a good outfit? 

As far as my own outfits go, my favorites look good and feel good. It’s about balancing color schemes and silhouette proportions with comfort and what’s flattering to me. In a more practical sense, a good outfit also suits my mood, the weather, and my activity for the day.

Often, my favorite outfits happen when I successfully style a piece in a new way, or try a new color combination, or something else that surprises me in the best way. It’s like solving a riddle or completing a puzzle! It’s very satisfying and there’s a very tangible reward. 

In outfits I see, I love color and print, but also use of fit and texture. It’s fun to find elements that inspire my styling choices, I can add to my collection, or contribute to the general mood board that is in my brain.

What makes a good outfit to you?

Mary KaltreiderComment