2021 Reflection

Somehow, we’re coming to the close of my second calendar year, first full year, of blogging! Time has flown, and yet last January feels like it was so very long ago.


I shared 333 outfits (as of December 18). Here’s one favorite from each month!

I still love taking pictures of my outfits. I really do! The process itself isn’t fun, but the end result brings me joy. This year, I made a folder of my phone that has one picture of each outfit for the whole year. It’s fun to scroll through, and remember favorite outfits and combinations, as well as what I was doing. I connect outfits to events because I often dress (in my way) for what I’m doing, so I’ll remember “I wore x thing because y reason.”

I especially love that my son and cats sometimes join me for photos. The cat cameos are serendipitous (I might try to attract them over if they’re nearby, but I never bring them over on purpose). My son sometimes asks, and sometimes I ask him (and he is allowed to say no!).

I also started smiling! It was difficult last year, for some reason. I would try, but the expressions felt wooden, so I stopped. Maybe having more experience made it easier, or maybe it was just getting out of the haze that was 2020. Either way, now I prefer to smile!


I shared 42 feature posts (I think!)! Here are four of my top viewed posts. Did you have a favorite post from this year?

  • Why I Don’t Tan: It was interesting to post this because, not that I thought there’d be any kind of pushback, but it was quite personal. I got quite a lot of lovely comments on facebook! One friend even said that I had “fairy princess” eyebrows, which I love.

  • Lessons from My Husband’s Style Journey: This post was so fun to write! I talk about clothes and style a lot, so Miguel has heard a lot about it over the years. It was interesting to see what has really filtered through, on both ends. It’s really applicable to everyone.

  • Why I’m returning this beautiful dress: I love to share insights into how I shop and think about clothes, so writing about a shopping failure worked well for that. I still wish it had worked out because I love that color, but I am very glad that it isn’t wasting away in my closet.

  • Tips for Mini Matching: My (currently six year old) son still loves to match me, so it was very fun to coordinate with him on purpose. His posing skills are on another level.

I have so many ideas for subjects I want to discuss, outfits I want to style, and post series that I’m going to post more. Starting in the new year, I will be sharing five posts a week, Monday through Friday! Look for even more outfit inspo and tips, as well as reviews and promotional posts!

Do you have any questions, feedback, criticisms, or suggestions? I’d love to hear it! (I mean, would I love to hear criticism? Maybe not exactly, but I can take it.)

Mary KaltreiderComment