Why I’m returning this beautiful dress

I recently purchased this dress from Zara, and I was so excited to get it! As much as I love it in theory, it doesn’t work for me in practice, so I’ll be sending it back. Here’s my thought process. 


  • The color! It reminds me of the Atonement dress.

  • Pleats!


  • Longer than I prefer. Somewhat ameliorated by the slit, which shows leg, but still would prefer it shorter.

    • Possible fix: get it hemmed.

  • Waist fit is odd. It seems like the top two layers of elastic are stretched out, which is not what one wants on a new dress.

    • Possible fix: attach fresh elastic on the inside.

  • Sleeves don’t fit comfortably. They’re a little too tight. The material is a little scratchy, which is only a problem because they’re too tight. This is actually the most significant issue, and I’m not sure what I’d do to correct it, as I don’t want to entirely remove the sleeves.

  • Fake buttons. The description doesn’t disclose this, either, so that was disappointing.

If some of these issues were easier to remedy, or if it was just one issue, I would try to make it work. But I don’t see myself wearing this dress enough to justify the cost of getting it tailored. And that wouldn’t even fix all of the problems!

Oh well! It is a near-miss, and I’m glad I know. I’ll definitely be on the lookout for a piece in this green because I love it!

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