Packing Tips: A Weekend Away

Welcome back to the second installment of Packing Tips! This week, we’re packing for a hypothetical weekend away at a resort town.

Please note: this post isn’t meant to be a specific guide for what to wear for a weekend away, but more how one could approach planning for a weekend’s worth of outfits.

Tip One: Write down the weekend’s itinerary.

This way you know exactly what to dress for. Include temperature and inclement weather considerations, if relevant.

Tip Two: Group what you have to pack by outfit or by item type.

There’s no wrong way to do this, so however makes the most sense to your brain. I do a combination of both, depending on how specific my outfits need to be for the trip in question. 

In this case, I made a list of outfits to go with my itinerary, and then grouped them by kind for my packing checklist. See above!

Tip Three: Color schemes are optional, but handy.

Using one means you are more likely to have bonus options in case you don’t want to (or can’t) wear exactly what you have planned. Below are a few extras that can work from the above selection.

And there you have it! I could have gone on and on about this (an early draft had a LOT more text), but I figured shorter was sweeter. I’m already planning the next installment, which will probably deal more with literal packing tips, like ways to utilize packing cubes.

What are your packing-related questions?

PS: here’s a bonus second capsule that follows the same outline!