“Are you novelty-lover or a familiarity-lover? Simplicity or abundance?”

This is from episode 360 of the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast. The hosts, Gretchen and Elizabeth, were talking about knowing yourself and forming habits. When I heard this, however, I thought about clothes, and how this applies to the ways different people like to dress, style, and shop! Because of course I did.

If you’re a novelty-lover

  • You probably love to buy new pieces regularly

  • You should cycle through your clothes regularly, to resell or donate, to make room for new pieces

  • Consider renting or buying secondhand to get your fix while staying on budget and being better for the planet

If you’re a familiarity-lover

  • You probably wear the same things repeatedly because you know what you love and what makes you feel good

  • If you want to stay safe but have more options, buy your favorite styles in multiple colors

If you love simplicity

  • Your closet has limited colors and styles because you keep it simple

  • Buy only what really speaks to you and your style, not

If you love abundance 

  • Your closet has a lot of colors, accessories, and pieces

  • Your outfits may feature multiple bold colors and/or statement pieces

  • Organization is key so your pieces get the love they deserve

In the context of the podcast, it was suggested that people were one or the other when it comes to their personalities and preferences. But when talking just about clothes, I think it can be any and all of them!

Maybe that sounds contrary (and I am nothing if not contrary, so that’s me to a T), but I love novelty (new pieces are fun to play with), familiarity (I love wearing the same styles frequently), and abundance (my closet is full of color and variety). Simplicity… well not so much for me, though I love when it works well for others!

What about you? Novelty or familiarity, simplicity or abundance?

Mary KaltreiderComment