Inspired by Longwood Gardens

A few weeks ago, I visited Longwood Gardens for the first time in a very long time, and it was glorious. I took pictures of many beautiful plants, some of which I drew inspiration from for the following outfits!

When I look to flowers for inspiration, I’m primarily looking at color schemes and the proportion of the colors, but I like to mimic any shape or texture when I can.

For this post, I used photos I took on my visit, and clothes that I already had in my closet.


These flowers look like they’ve been colored with pastels (the medium, not the color spectrum). I love the sweet palette and the way the flowers are almost all the same, yet different.

Iceland Poppy - Champagne Bubbles

These poppies are so cute and have such lovely colors that I wanted to feature all of them. The petals have gorgeous ridges and are layered so beautifully. I would love a skirt like an upside-down poppy.

Bush Lily

These flowers are so sweet, they remind me of candy for some reason. Butterscotch? Creamsicle? I wear orange and yellow frequently, and together, but not quite in this way somehow.

Tree Ivy

I wanted to do layers of greens, getting lighter to the center, the way the leaf does. Even though the leaves are smooth, I love the implied texture of the variegated colors. I have to admit, I was very pleased by this outfit.

Common Ivy

I love the abstract coloring of these leaves. There was a lot of variety. I liked the mix of green, grey, and ivory. Bonus: I bought this scarf at Longwood!

Snapdragon - Liberty Classic Bronze

I just love snapdragons. They’re so charming and they have a great name. Mostly pink with a little bit of yellow, and a hint of orange. Works for me! I could’ve done more pink pink, but oh well.


So last time, I purposefully selected flowers that have a somewhat distinct color scheme. This is not true of tulips, but I loved the color and texture of this one, so I went with it! When you glance at the tulip, it’s pink. But if you look closer, you can see the ridges and gradient from bright pink to warm blush. I thought a pleated skirt was a good tribute to this. Also, my belt is an ace bandage.

Bigleaf Hydrangea

This look makes me giggle. I wouldn’t normally wear it, but it’s fun! I wanted to be all pink, with little bits of white. So not only did I have bike shorts that perfectly matched this sweater, they both perfectly matched these flowers! And the lipstick!

Foxglove - Apricot Beauty

The color of these flowers is so subtle, and really lovely. I wanted the outfit to look soft but also textured. I think the lace top did a good job of adding texture as well as being a great color.


I did another post with outfits inspired by flowers post last August, which you can read here!

Have you ever been to Longwood? Do you have any flora recommendations for my next botanically-inspired post?