Seasonal Summary: Spring 2020

Spring is usually my favorite season, but regardless on where you rank it, I think we’ll all be happy to see this season go. I’ve only written one other seasonal summary so far, but this was just so different from any other, period, so I feel like my notes are thrown off too. Oh well! That happens.

I’m ready to move on to warm weather, consistent sunshine, and dressing to venture from my house on a more regular basis!

What Worked

  • Trenches:

    I love a good trench coat. Though a few of mine have been in my closet for a long time (since high school, so ~14 years for some of them), it feels like I really discovered them more recently. They’re great for adding color, coverage from wind and rain, and just look cool.

  • Denim Jackets:

    As soon as the weather warms a bit, I’m in a denim jacket. I love them to protect my shoulders and arms from the sun, add color, and feel fresh. In writing this post, I see that I haven’t yet worn my yellow jean jacket, and that is a travesty.

  • Bombers:

    When I needed a somewhat warmer layer, I frequently jumped to a bomber. They’re cool while keeping comfortably warm.

  • Sneaks:

    I don’t have a photoset for these (partially because it would be so many, but mostly because I don’t have close-up shots of my footwear), but credit must be given to my favorite shoes of the season: sneaks! I have really bolstered my arsenal of sneaky footwear recently, and have really enjoyed them.

What Didn’t

  • Not having a routine.

    Not a spring thing, but definitely a spring 2020 thing. Who knew that having to stay home all the time made it more difficult to wear non-pajamas?

    Getting dressed boosts my mood a lot. Most days I would get dressed, but it was an eventually kind of thing rather than a start the day kind of thing. Let’s not do that again.

    Because I didn’t have specific occasions to get dressed for, I could wear whatever I wanted, which was fun, but less of a challenge.

Goals for Next Spring

  • Go outside, get dressed, enjoy spring!

    Because this season was stymied in many ways, my only real goal is to fully enjoy next spring. Wear everything and anything in my closet. Try new styling tricks or silhouette combinations. Have fun.

Tune in to next Wednesday’s post for my Spring 2021 shopping plan!