Your Wardrobe Therapy Before & After

I remembered to get before and after pictures of a recent wardrobe therapy session, and I am so glad I did!

What we did:

  • Sorted contents by type

  • Went through to see what stayed, what went, and what needed further consideration

  • Experimented with styling pieces

  • Folded sweaters and knits into hanging shelf

  • Hung pants and skirts on hangers with clips

  • Sorted and reorganized shoes

  • Refolded drawers (no before & after, but wow it’s dramatic)

  • Styled outfits for first week in a new position!

  • Made a shopping list

  • Plans for more hangers, a shoe rack, and a few other organizational bits

I have to say, I love a messy closet! The after is so satisfying, but the before is important to document so you can really see the progress. We accomplished all of that in about 6 hours.

If you would like your own after photos, schedule your free consultation today to get started!

Mary KaltreiderComment