YWT: Before & After

Another client before and after! It’s funny because I am always so excited to get started during a session that I forget to take before pictures. I took these before pictures shortly into the process, so still a good look at the difference!

This client didn’t need a lot of help sorting her clothes or organizing them. She had a great space! The session was more spent analyzing the closet space as a whole, figuring out what was best stored where, and making sure everything made as much sense as possible.

In this closet, we:

  • Found a new home (outside of the closet) for a filing cabinet (that had been under the hanging on the right side, where you can see the small set of drawers in the before and after photos; that set of drawers had been up on the shelf, next to the bin).

  • Sorted through and condensed tees from the small drawers.

  • Sorted and moved gym and sleep wear from the main dresser to the new space in the small drawers, now accessible under the hanging.

  • Organized bags in bin, which was moved to accessories side of the closet, with some pretty/sentimental bags on display on top of dresser. Also hung up most frequently used bags on hangers to have them more accessible.

  • Moved suitcases from being squished next to the dresser to accessible but out of the way on the closet shelf.

  • Put hanging clothes in rainbow order! Neutrals light to dark, followed by ROYGBIV.

  • Reorganized the hall closet! No photos of that, but that’s where the storage bins are now, nicely organized and accessible. This included sorting through bins of miscellaneous things, and categorizing them into decorations, out of season things, and costumes/accessories.

  • Made a plan for adding better storage near the front door (a wheeled hanging rack in front of a maintenance door). This will be especially handy for winter coats and accessories.

This was such a fun session, and so satisfying! We worked from about 11am to 3pm, with a lunch break. Not bad for less than four hours! I will share my client’s testimonial and feedback next week, so stay tuned for that!

And if you’re interested in having your own before and after moment, get started by scheduling your consultation today!