Tip: How to Blouse Dresses with Belts

I frequently belt and blouse my dresses, and recently realized that there’s a specific way to do that that’s really quite easy!

  1. Put on dress you want to blouse,

  2. Lift your shoulders,

  3. Belt while keeping shoulders are lifted,

  4. Lower shoulders and adjust fabric as necessary!

By belting with your shoulders up, the lay of the dress won’t be as affected by your regular movement, so won’t need to be constantly readjusted. The key is to be able to move your arms and shoulders with minimal pulling at the belted fabric.

You can adjust the fit to feel more comfortable and/or look better.

This trick can also be used to slightly bring up the hem of a dress, or change the waist of the dress. And it can also be done with tops (shirts, blouses, sweaters) depending on the fit.

Please let me know

  • if you try this,

  • if you already do it,

  • if it makes you think of another styling trick, or

  • if you have a style question!