Roundup: January 2022

I know I say almost every month that it has been quite a month, but this has been QUITE a month! Not only is it my birthday month (I turned 32 on the 19th!), it’s also this blog’s second birthday (on the 17th!)! The beginning of the blog feels much longer ago, yet I can’t process somehow that it has been two years. Time is a funny thing!

And if you hadn’t noticed, I went from three posts a week to five! I was pretty sure I could do it, but it feels really good to see that I actually did it. I have February planned, but I haven’t started working on spring yet. Let’s hope the momentum continues! (Spoiler: I finished each non-outfit post by the middle of January!)

It feels really good, I have to say. I enjoy writing on a larger variety of topics, and getting to include little posts that I otherwise felt there wasn’t room for in the calendar. I hope you’ve enjoyed having more and different posts at your disposal!

If you have any requests, questions, or suggestions, I would love to hear them. I keep a bunch of lists with ideas that I am always adding to!

This roundup, and hopefully each one following, has a lot more posts to feature so I’m not sure the best way to organize everything as of yet. But I will definitely figure it out as time goes on. Cheers to growth!

I shared three outfit of the week posts, with a fourth (featuring my vacation outfits - fun fun fun!) scheduled for Monday! I love that I started the first post with the first outfit, and the final post takes us evenly to the end of the month (date-wise, if not outfit-wise).

One of my goals is to share a capsule wardrobe post in each season, and started off the year with a winter capsule!

Inspired by a trip (that I’m returning from the day this post goes live!), I shared my tips for packing in just a carryon. Any guesses as to how well I did in practice as opposed to theory?

For my birthday, I shared my collection of pieces in my favorite color - yellow!

I styled outfits based on one of my favorite book series, the Wheel of Time! The first book was published in January of 1990, so it’s like it’s the book’s 32nd birthday too!

This months finds post include what I’d buy to make a winter capsule wardrobe (which are mostly pieces that I have in my winter wardrobe!), sandals, and what I’m window shopping for my birthday present to myself.

(It strikes me as funny that I shared more posts than ever this month, yet still only three finds posts! That’s just how the cookie crumbles, or calendar falls, as it were.)

While my Monday, Wednesday, and Friday posts have their regular features, Tuesdays and Thursdays are rather varied so far!

A new category of posts is reviews!! I’ve written a couple before, but I wanted to start sharing reviews regularly. They slotted perfectly into Thursdays! (I figured Thursday - R - Reviews day Thursday - get it?) I plan on sharing 2-3 a month. This month, I reviewed the high waisted pants from Zara, and my most-worn sweater style.

Do you have any review requests or suggestions?

I’m going to share creators, websites, stories, quotes and the like that inspire me, as well as some personal stories.

This month, I shared how I use clothing as therapy for my anxiety.

The first follow recommendation features one of my favorite creators, Rebecca from A Clothes Horse.

I also shared a quote from (the late, great) Alber Elbaz, and my thoughts on it.

Another of my goals is to share more business-related content. Ostensibly, everything relates back to it, but I do have a problem with self-promotion and I need to work on that if I’m ever going to make any element of this a viable business and not just a hobby. I’m okay with it being just a hobby, but a business would be amazing!

To that end, I shared a new year promotion and two testimonial quotes.

Testimonials are so interesting because they highlight the client’s experience, especially what most benefitted and surprised them. I love getting those insights, and I love and appreciate my clients!

I’m going to share promotions every once in a while. Not too often, because I know the worth of my time and expertise, but I want to give little deals to my readers as a thank you for spending your time with me.

  1. January 6: I love how this scarf brings the orange and green together.

  2. January 8: I forgot how much I love mixing prints! The turtleneck and cardigan are so cute together, especially balanced with solid bottoms.

  3. January 13: I’m so glad I was able to size up in this shirt! I love the colors in the print, and this cozy version of a business-appropriate outfit is so cute.

  4. January 19: I loved my birthday outfit!

  5. January 21: This outfit was just so fun and I loved wearing it.

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