Inspired by the Wheel of Time

Wheel of Time is the epic fantasy series by Robert Jordan that I started reading in middle school, and I love it! Amazon began adapting the series into a show. Any criticisms aside, I can definitely say that the production is incredible, and the costumes are gorgeous

One of the main elements of the series are the Aes Sedai, who divide themselves into seven groups (called Ajahs), named after seven colors! The show continues the book’s tradition of having the members dress primarily in the color of their Ajah. I will say, it surprised me how satisfying it was to see the Ajahs represented so clearly by their outfits. There are a variety of clothing styles across all characters, including the Aes Sedai, so the color palettes are the clearest way to set them apart. And the colors are so vivid! I digress. 

So here are outfits that I might wear as a member of the different Ajahs, if Aes Sedai wore modern clothing and not fantasy clothing! The Ajah colors are blue, green, yellow, red, white, brown, and grey. Each Ajah has a purpose that unites them. You can read more about them online, but be wary of spoilers!

Have you read or watched the Wheel of Time? If you have, which Ajah would you be?

Mary KaltreiderComment