Spring Flowers 2022

It is spring, which means flowers are blooming left and right! And if you’ve been reading for the last year, you probably know what’s coming.

You guessed it! I’ve made a few trips to Longwood Gardens, enjoyed the beauty of nature, and there are a bunch of spring flowers to inspire outfits!

I’ve also discovered that Longwood Gardens has a section of their website dedicated to cataloguing the different plans they’ve grown, so I’ve linked each flower I matched!

Amaryllis Minerva

I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to get this to work, but it’s actually one of my favorites from this series! I love that I was able to incorporate not only the obvious red and white, but the subtle lime!


Specifically, purple-leaved form, Spurge family! I love plants that mix purple and green. This would’ve been fun with the lime cardigan as well, or a pop of yellow.

Boat Orchid

This is specifically the Lovely Valley “Peace in the World.” Isn’t that incredible? I could probably do a post that’s just outfits inspired by orchids. So many colors! I love the lime and pink combination.

Lenten Roses

Lenten Roses are such a lovely mix of colors, and have quite the texture. I was amazed that this scarf matches them so perfectly!

Canary Island Lavender

I love the silvery ferns and succulents that are in the Silver Garden, and I was so taken with these lavender blossoms! To be honest, I’m not 100% sure that this is Canary Island Lavender, but it is almost definitely some kind of lavender fern plant. What’s important is the lavender flowers and sweater!

Himalayan Blue Poppy

This poppy is so gorgeous! There were so many shades of that bright blue, with bits of pink and purple too. This blazer is the exact right color, and I thought the floral blouse went well. The pants are more pink/purple in real life, less red, and coordinate better than it looks here.

Large Wild-Iris

This mix of colors is so nice. The skirt really mimics the shape and texture of the petals, as does the sweater! The belt ends are even similar to the flower. I love it!

Spurflower “Mona Lavender”

I don’t often wear outfits this simple (my mantra is “more is more”!), but I really like this! I chose black pants to go with the dark stems, and the trench is for the lighter flowers.

Heartleaf Pelargonium

I think this outfit is okay! It’s such an exquisite flower with so many cool little details (like the little dark pink curly bits sticking out!) that I couldn’t resist.

Oriental Hybrid Lily, Firebolt

Again with these pants not photographing accurately! Ah well. These lilies were so striking in person! I was so pleased that I thought of this scarf because I think it really makes the look work.


I really enjoy doing these posts! I love any reason to think about color, play with clothes, visit Longwood Gardens, and learn about plants.

Which is your favorite flower? Favorite outfit? Are they the same?

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