Closet Tip: Fold Your Knits

Folding all the knits is my most commonly given advice for organizing a closet. Confession: hanging knits is my top closet pet peeve.

What are knits?

Sweaters, t-shirts, sweatshirts, jersey fabrics.

Basically, if it can stretch, it’s a knit and should be folded.


Hanging is bad for knit materials. Gravity is not kind to stretchy clothes.

They will stretch out at the shoulders, any straps will lengthen, pieces will grow, and they will eventually stay that way. The effects are not immediate, but you can tell if you compare over time.

To maintain the best condition and ensure longevity of these clothes, they have to be folded.


If your closet has hanging space aplenty but limited drawer space, I understand the temptation to hang everything! It’s nice to be able to see all of your clothes that way. But it’s just not good for said clothes.

Take advantage of your hanging space with hanging organizers, so you can have more pieces folded. (Like this or this.) You could also find a low dresser that can fit under your shorter hanging pieces.

If you have a knit that you must hang, fold it over a hanger with a bar. That will preserve the shoulders. It also spreads the pull throughout the width of garment, rather than just a few small points.


If the idea of reconfiguring all of your knits from hanging to folded spaces is overwhelming or unpleasant or just not your idea of a fun day, give me a call!

I can help you figure out the best way to transition your storage, and I am very good at folding.