Closet-Clearing Tips

Between a new year and time spent at home more than ever, it’s a great time to go through your closet. Here are my top tips for tackling your closet. 


1. Determine your goals. This will show you how strict you need to be. 

  • Do you need to drastically downsize for a move, or to save space?

  • Do you have too many clothes, for your closet or mental space?

  • Do a lot of your clothes not fit, emotionally or physically?


2. Take everything out, but not necessarily at once. I recommend sorting by category, like:

  • Type of clothing: look at all shirts at once, all jeans, etc, so you can compare everything that’s alike (and therefore competing for space)

  • Occasion: work, home, occasion - these wardrobe sections may not all be the same size, but those different facets of your life have different needs so it might help to consider them in that way


3. Organize after you’ve gone through everything 

  • Right now you might need more hangers, but if you’re able to cull a significant portion of your closet, that might change!

  • Always organize for what you end up with, not what you start with (true outside of the closet as well)

If this sounds a little overwhelming and personalized guidance in this matter would be a relief, contact me for your free consultation and questionnaire! In a virtual wardrobe therapy session, I can:

  • help you determine your goals

  • make the best plan for navigating your closet

  • assess your pieces, and

  • figure out how to organize your closet and what organizational products will be most beneficial for you.

Check back for Friday’s post, which will be my favorite organizing products!

Mister Dickens loves organized scarves.

Mister Dickens loves organized scarves.

Mary Kaltreider1 Comment