Seasonal Summary: Summer 2021

Hot. That’s the word for this summer. Not in a ~Hot Girl Summer~ way, but in a “seven inches from the midday sun” way. I have been fortunate enough to have a very wonderful summer, and I will miss many parts of the season. However, I would by lying if I said I wasn’t excited for fall. I can’t help it - it’s my favorite season! So to summer I say: thank you, next.

What I Wore

I shared 88 outfits this summer! That’s not even counting this final week of summer, and who knows how many outfits I’ll wear this week. Now for some numbers!


Even without looking at the numbers, I knew dresses were going to be my top trend for this season. When it was hot, which was often, I just wanted to be in a dress. So I wore dresses 26 times! I wore some of the same dresses repeatedly. I have other dresses that work well for normal warm-to-hot summer, but there wasn’t much opportunity this year. I have some weeding to do!


A summer classic. Even I love a good pair of shorts! I wore shorts 23 times. I want more shorts, more colors and variety, maybe some prints. But unless I find some truly perfect pairs, I’m set.

Dresses and shorts together account for 49, or 55.7%, of my summer outfits!

Jungle Cruise-appropriate looks

A slightly more niche category, I was unintentionally dressing for this movie before it even came out. After seeing it, however, I am definitely inspired. Emily Blunt’s costumes were gorgeous, creative, adventure-appropriate, and fun. I categorized this rather broadly, going mainly on the basis of color scheme, floral/tropical prints, and a je ne sais quoi that says “ready for adventure.” There were 19 such outfits (with more to come, I’m sure).

Best Purchases

Dresses from Target. That’s it, that’s the list. At the end of spring, I bought five dresses from Target’s recent designer collaboration with Christopher John Rogers, Rixo, and Alexis, and I have worn four of them. Two in particular have been on heavy rotation. Let’s take the pattern-heavy slip dress. It was $45, and I have worn it seven times so far (the first time technically being the end of spring). That’s $6.43 per wear. Not a bad investment at all!

Even though these dresses were technically purchased in spring, and can be worn beyond the summer season, they were overwhelmingly my best recent purchases for this season. I bought a few other pieces that I have already worn, and definitely will wear more in the future, but nothing compares to these.

Shopping List

Sandals. That’s it, that’s the list. I have wonderful sandals that I love and wear constantly, but I have worn them almost into the ground. I don’t think they’ll survive another full summer, so I need to start shopping around for their replacement. Requirements: low to flat heel, ankle strap, in black, white, and a neutral/nude/tan color.

Are there other pieces that are on my list that I wouldn’t mind picking up? Absolutely. But I’m keeping it simple with what I’ll actually need to survive another summer season: great sandals.

Seasonal Posts

I wrote a few fun summer-themed posts!

Why I Don’t Tan has gotten the most response out of all of my posts, I think!

Packing Tips: Summer Vacation is exactly what it says.

I indulged my love of themed outfits by coordinating with some beach and resort town scenes with Outfits Inspired By the Beach. I included the grid image because it looks so cool!


So that’s basically a blog-official wrap on summer! Cue the existential confusion that comes with it being September next week (?!).

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