Styling Menswear (using my husband’s clothes!)

In honor of my husband’s birthday (which was yesterday!), I played around with his clothes! I’d say he’s a good sport about my sartorial machinations, but that’s not true. He enjoys and supports it, which is much better than just being a good sport! 

When it comes to menswear, it’s the tops that I go for. I love to take my husband’s tees, sweaters, and especially his button-down shirts. 

The key is to make the fits work for you. For me, I need to counter the oversized fit of the pieces. Try tying, tucking, and rolling the fabric to contour more to your shape. 


I like to roll the cuffs to change the proportion of the tee. I usually tuck or knot the bottom of the tee for shape. 


I push up the sleeves on most sweaters anyway, so I do that a lot with men’s sweaters. You can also just roll the cuffs a little for a cute look. Using a French tuck (where you tuck in just a little bit of the top) can work too. 


For short sleeved shirts, I roll the sleeves for a more flattering length. With long sleeves shirts, I cuff the sleeves up around my elbows. Then I tuck, tie, or wear the shirt open. 

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