Fall 2020 Summary

It feels redundant on so many levels to say “another season in a pandemic,” “unprecedented,” “experience of a lifetime.” But that’s what it is and how it feels. However, let’s pull that train into the station here because I’ll likely muse about it more towards the end of the year. I will say, it still feels weird! 

Fall is my favorite time of year because I love the mix of temperatures, the changing colors, and Halloween. This fall may not have been ideal, but it could have been worse (and was, for many people) so I’ll count myself very lucky. 

Overall, it was not a bad season here. I enjoyed some very fun outfits. I wrote some very cool posts that I feel extra proud of. I got to spend a lot of time outside, enjoying our favorite nearby trail and exploring some new ones. I cut off all my hair (and there wasn’t much length to begin with)! Some select cold days and wet weather notwithstanding, it was a lovely season. 

Okay, enough existential pondering about seasons of life - let’s get to clothes!

What Worked


As I’ve said many times, strategic layering is the best way to get through transitional weather. I took advantage of this the most in September and October. I just love a fun jacket (my husband says I have a problem and he’s correct) and will take any opportunity to wear one. Jackets are practical but can be so cool also, so that double-edged sword is a good one.


I can’t be stopped! As soon as it gets chilly, I just want to wear a cozy sweater. This really started last fall/winter when I invested in my sweater collection. And it paid off! I get so much pleasure out of the textures, the comfort, the colors, and the different shapes. I love a sweater with jeans or pants, with skirts, and even over dresses. Give me a sweater I can wear under a jacket and I am SOLD. Part of me wonders if I’m wearing sweaters more because I find them comforting, and I think we’re all in need of extra comfort right now, physically and emotionally.

numi layers

These are what enabled my sweater-wearing to be so comfortable and frequent. I don’t have many pictures of them specifically, but I can assure you they’re in every picture where I’m wearing a sweater. 

Shopping List

  • Green sweater: Another sweater? Yes. Cashmere or chunky, in a nice olive green to bring out my eyes and look good with yellow. And let’s find one in a sage green, too, while we’re at it.

  • Black trench: okay technically I have one, but! It has white piping, is single-breasted, and a loud lining, so it’s not very neutral. Clearly I have room for one more trench coat, right? Luckily, it’s not a Need so much as a Want, so I can hold off until I find something perfect.

  • Wool socks: I need to stock up sooner than later. My feet get very cold, but I like to have bare ankles until I risk frostbite, so I need short socks that will be comfortable with my sneakers and booties while keeping my feet warm and my ankles bare. 

  • Black tights, nude tights: I definitely need to restock my tights wardrobe so I can keep wearing skirts and dresses while keeping the chill to a minimum. 

  • Black booties: there were days when I really wanted to wear a nice black bootie. I keep eyeing this pair at Nordstrom, but I’m still hesitating about pulling the trigger. This is probably also on my winter and spring shopping lists, so maybe I’ll take the plunge soon, or compare a few options!

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