Your Wardrobe Therapy

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What to do with clothes that don’t fit?

Life is too short for boring clothes, and it’s definitely too short for wasting your time - and closet space - with clothes that don’t fit. You deserve more than a closet with any clothes that make you feel anything less than great about yourself. 

Keeping those pieces around might inspire you to “get back to” fitting in to them, but whatever that means to you, your body will be different. And that’s okay! The clothes are the problem, not your body. You might not like the style of those clothes anymore anyway, even if they do fit.

Won’t you want to treat yourself to something fresh, rather than wear clothes that have been hanging over your head like a dark cloud?

In the meantime, here are some tips for dealing with those clothes. Ask yourself: 

  • Is it worth trying to save?

    • Yes!

      • This has promise! We’re off to a good start.

      • Continue with assessment. 

    • No.

      • Don’t waste any more time with it.

      • Say goodbye.

    • Not sure.

      • That’s a no.

      • See above.

  • Can it be pinned, rolled, cuffed, or tucked to fit?

    • Yes!

      • If you like it styled that way, it has a place in your closet.

      • You can stop here, or keep going.

    • No.

      • It’s not looking good for this item.

      • Continue with assessment. There’s one more option.

    • Not sure.

      • Try these styling tricks out and see what you think.

      • Ask the question again, and possibly move on with assessment.

  • Can it be altered? Is it worth altering?

    • Yes!

      • Get this piece altered so it can resume functioning as part of your sartorial arsenal!

    • No.

      • You’ve spent enough time and energy on this, it is officially time to move on from this piece.

    • Not sure.

      • Consult a professional tailor, who may have ideas on how to improve your piece.

      • If that can work out, great! If not, you tried, and that’s enough.

When you’ve finished determining what should stay and what should go, there are a few options for the “going away” pile.

  • A friend:

    • It’s possible you know someone who would love to try your clothes.

    • There might even be a chance to swap styles.

  • Sell - consignment or online:

    • Someone might be looking for pieces like yours to style and appreciate.

    • If there’s a consignment store accepting items, give that a try.

    • For a little more time and effort, it’s possible to sell online as well (like Poshmark or Depop).

  • Donation or fabric recycling:

    • If your items are in good condition, find a local place to donate them.

    • If they aren’t (and be honest about this), look for textile recycling, or recycle yourself by using the fabric for rags, or another household use. There are more tips on the internet for avoiding landfills or flooding areas with really cheap clothes.

I’ve had to ask myself these questions a lot lately, and my to do list today is a lot of figuring out what to do with my “going away” pile! How about you?