Your Wardrobe Therapy

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Self-Care Style

In these trying times, it is of utmost importance to take care of your physical health, and your mental wellbeing. Here are some ideas for ways to take care of yourself. Everyone cares for themselves differently, so listen to yourself and what you need. 


  • Wear clothes you usually don’t have an occasion to wear, just because!

    • Pieces in your closet should be enjoyed, not ignored. 

    • If it lifts your spirits, put on your favorite pieces and enjoy feeling dressed up!

    • This week, I’ve been “dressing for dinner” and it has been a bright spot in my day. 

  • Enjoy your break from work clothes

    • It’s just as okay to enjoy sweatpants and leggings all day, if that’s your ideal. Being comfortable is key!

    • Just be sure to switch it up between day time and bed time, both to break up the day and to stay fresh. 

    • I’ve enjoyed being cozy in some of my old favorites, and Miguel loves to remind me about changing into different pjs for different times of day. 

  • Take stock of your closet and style goals

    • What do you love? What should go? What changes need to be made to your closet? What inspires your style right now?

    • Consider contacting your wardrobe therapist to assist following the quarantine orders.


  • Play with makeup

    • Are there styles you want to try, but don’t because you don’t want to go in public if you don’t rock it? Take some time and play around!

    • I’m going to mess around with eyeliner and bright shadow blending. 

    • Maybe you’ll discover a new style or trick to add to your routine!

  • Give yourself a break from makeup

    • If makeup doesn’t make you happy, give your skin a break and extra TLC. 

    • Masks or a gentle scrub fall into the “extra TLC” category. 

    • Don’t completely skip cleansing and moisturizing to keep your skin happy. 

  • Evaluate which (currently suspended) routines mean the most to you 

    • Haircuts, manicures and/or pedicures, eyelash extensions, waxing of various types, spa treatments, the list goes on!

    • What do you miss the most?

    • Is there anything you don’t need?

      • If so, that’s one less thing to keep up with or spend money/time on. 

      • If not, you know they’re worth that allocation in your budget. 

  • See if you can make tentative appointments

    • For those treatments and experiences you don’t want to live without, it’s possible that your professional has their book available for the next month or two to start a tentative schedule. (These might not stay in place because there’s no way to be sure when we will be able to resume regular treatments, so keep that in mind.)

    • That would get those treatments on your calendar and give you something to look forward to!


  • Maintain your regular routine as much as possible

    • Shower, brush your teeth, wash your face and your hair, go to sleep on time!

    • It feels fun to take a break from that for the short-term, but it doesn’t do much for your mental health.

    • I’m trying to fix my sleep schedule and maintain everything else.

  • Do something physical

    • It’s very easy to get in a physical rut, which is bad for your body and your brain. Anything is better than nothing, and if this isn’t already part of your regular routine, maybe it can be integrated!

    • Exercise is also good for clearing your mind and dealing with stress.

      • If the weather is nice and you can do so safely, take a walk outside! Appreciate nature, listen to the birds, spot some spring blooms.

      • If you’re stuck inside, that’s fine too! There are lots of great videos on youtube and instagram with workouts and yoga routines of many different levels of activity, durations, and equipment (starting at zero). Maybe a friend could follow a video at the same time, for a remote workout date!

  • Have cozy lazy days

    • If you’re tired and feeling anxious, it is okay to take time to relax. Maybe that means a bath, or time with a book, or a movie night (or day) from the couch.

    • It is important not to let yourself get run-down mentally or physically, so listen to what your body needs.

The most important way to care for yourself is to give yourself (and those around you) grace right now. Things are weird around the world, and it is okay to feel affected by that. Don’t force yourself to do what other people do, or what you usually do, or what people tell you to do if it doesn’t feel right.

What has been the most important part of your quarantine routine?