Your Wardrobe Therapy

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Roundup: July 2020

Another month of summer is gone, and yet it still doesn’t quite feel like summer. I know I’m not alone in that feeling. However, the weather around here has been doing double-time to convince us that it is, in fact, summer by keeping the temperature in the 90s for too much of this month. I’ll admit to being one of those people already dreaming about fall. What can I say? I love a good sweater and Halloween. But enough looking forward, let’s look back at July!

There were four Mondays of outfits. Some weeks were short, and some had bonus looks.

I surprised myself at how many red, white and blue outfits there were in my wardrobe. And I would have even more if I had a blue denim jacket. The search continues!

I wrote about my skincare routine and my basic makeup routine. These were fun to do because they’re topics I could talk about for ages (though I tried to significantly edit the makeup post, at the very least). The photos were also very different. I don’t think I’ll do frequent makeup posts, but these were definitely fun for me.

I reflected on six months of posting to this blog. I’ve blogged before (some people might have even read the blog I wrote in college), but it wasn’t consistent, it wasn’t planned, and it was more stressful somehow. When I started this, I thought I’d be in a different place now, but six months ago, didn’t we all? I’m not sure if it was clear in that post, but I am very proud of this blog and I have a lot of fun coming up with ideas for what to write about.

The second Packing Tips post was about a hypothetical weekend away. This is another subject that I could talk about for a very long time, so it’s a good thing it’s an ongoing series rather than a single post.

Friday Finds posts this month branched out as well. There were two brand-specific features (Sézane and Époque Évolution), as well as two item-specific roundups (pleated skirts and sneaks). 

  • June 29: I love wearing this shirt, and I especially love how it looks with light pants.

  • June 30: This color combination is one of my overall favorites, and this iteration is so much fun to wear.

  • July 4: To me, this was the surprise standout from my Red, White & Blue post. It has inspired me to raid my husband’s closet more. Don’t tell him.

  • July 9: The leaf print works so well with the tulip skirt silhouette, and I love how well the colors all work together.

  • July 11: A more formal look that was not necessary, but felt good. 

  • July 15: This outfit was so satisfying to wear, and might make an appearance in an upcoming Wednesday feature.

  • July 18: I am so glad I got this blouse. I have had to resist wearing it multiple days in a row because it works so well for hot weather. We’ll see it again soon.

  • July 23: This blouse is one of my favorite tops, period, and I love the color play in this combination.

I know I wrote about this in my reflection post, but it is very funny to me that I’ve been updating this blog, consistently, for six months. It means a lot to me that anyone reads this at all. It means even more when I hear that someone found it entertaining, or interesting, or informative. Thanks, again, for reading along. I have many ideas to write about and lots of clothes to wear. Cheers!