Your Wardrobe Therapy

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Roundup: April 2020

The days feel long, but this month felt short. It felt really weird to do a roundup for March because the situation we were in felt so alien. It still feels weird, but I want to keep up with posting and generating some ideas while I have the mental energy to do so. I find a lot of solace in clothing, so getting ready and dressed really helps my mental and emotional state.

Even with taking a week off of posting, there are still three posts for each blog category and some fun outfits from the month, so that feels like a win!

What I Posted

Click the image if you want to catch up on that post!

A month’s worth of outfits in three posts!

Wednesdays’ posts were about spring as well as some thoughts on self care.

Fridays’ browsing took me to Loft, Target, and H&M.

Favorite Outfits

  • March 30: I can’t wait to wear this outfit outside of my home. It was so fun, so comfortable, so bright and springy.

  • March 31: This is one of my favorite combinations, and always makes me feel cheery.

  • April 5: These pants make me feel so cool.

  • April 6: I love a good pair of pants and a cool bomber.

  • April 12: Apparently I just love my white jean jacket! I already knew this.

  • April 13: Another outfit that just felt cool.

Final Thoughts

Before I started posting in January, I made an approximate blog post schedule through November. Not every post was specifically planned regarding content, but when posts would be done, what subjects they might cover, seasonal topics to consider, style challenge ideas - that kind of thing. Some of what I’d planned for the next few months (office ideas! festival style! packing tips!) isn’t relevant, would feel awkward to write about, and I’m not sure when it’ll feel right to go back to those ideas (hoping for sooner, but planning for later).

In the meantime, I’ll be doing more style challenge features (like outfits inspired by birds, exploring different outfit formulas, and one piece styled x ways), and possibly some reviews of what I purchase from quarantine.

If you have any style challenge ideas or questions, please let me know! I’m up for it.

Stay safe out there.