Your Wardrobe Therapy

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Friday Finds: Époque Évolution

This week’s post is short and sweet because this brand - Époque Évolution - has limited offerings. What it lacks in variety, it makes up for with style and quality. I haven’t bought from this brand (yet?), but they’ve been popping up as ads in my social media feeds and I have to say that the images and taglines intrigue me. They have a high price point, but it seems like they want to be the best versions of these pieces (and some even say “the last you’ll buy”). ÉÉ is targeting consumers that want to shop less, buy better, and wear more versatile pieces. The models don’t look perfect, but they look good. (But definitely still like models.) It makes the style feel more real, wearable and attainable. I also noticed that none of the models wear heels, which is a detail that I find very interesting.

The One Two Dress

This is the piece that really grabbed me from the ads I saw. It’s a dress that is meant to be worn backwards. I sometimes try that with clothes, so I love that this was actually created with that intent. Actually, I think “intentional” is a good word for this brand in general. It looks great belted, and even works loose. It’s hard to go wrong with a machine washable little black dress that is even more versatile than normal.

The One Crop Top

I love a good crop top, and this looks like a great crop top. It’s meant for regular wear, but can (apparently) also be for working out and swim. It’s simple, but well-designed, and the fit looks great. If they had a version in white, I would be even more sold.

The One Pencil Skirt

This is the piece I am second-most interested in (after the one two dress). A pencil skirt is a staple for a reason, especially in black, though the olive looks great too. If it fits and lasts as well as ÉÉ indicates, it is well worth the price.

Jet Set Trouser

These pants… I’m not sure about. It’s impossible to be sure about any of these pieces without trying them in person, but these pants, I’m really not sure. Some of the pictures make them look very cool, and others make them look a little frumpy/awkward. I like the front piping and slit details, but don’t have great faith in pull-on pants. Could be great, could be terrible.

All Day Cardigan

This is the kind of easy piece that can be very casual, but still looks chic. It’s definitely expensive for a cardigan, but it sounds lovely.

Tie Belt

I don’t usually wear or recommend skinny belts because they are frequently unflattering. But this one looks amazing. I think it’s just thick enough to really define the waist without just being a line between the top and bottom. The break in the belt from the large ring is visually striking. I like that they show the belt with different pieces, tied in different ways. Both colors are gorgeous. This is secretly my favorite piece, don’t tell the one two dress.