Your Wardrobe Therapy

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A Dan Levy Quote About Wardrobe

It will come as no surprise that I love wardrobe details in my favorite movies and shows (including Schitt’s Creek). Wardrobe choices in media give the viewer information about the characters: values, preferences, indications of their lifestyle, how they see themselves or how they want to be seen. There can be a lot of details and layers to these outfits!

(And wow could I go on and on about some of my favorite costumes and wardrobe choices. Maybe I’ll do a post, or a series, in the future!)

This is true of life outside of media as well, real life. Your outfits tell other people about you the same way wardrobe does in a movie. It might not always seem fair, but it is true that your clothing choices communicate information to others.

You are the main character in the story of your life. What story are you telling?