Your Wardrobe Therapy

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YWT: Closet Clear Out

One of my favorite wardrobe therapy benefits is that it’s a perfect opportunity to thoroughly  sort through the contents of your closet, getting rid of what you don’t wear and highlighting what you love!

Whether your primary goal is just organizing your space, or completing a significant purge, it’s easy to consider each piece, even briefly.

Instinctive reactions tell me a lot, like whether this shirt is definitely staying, or that skirt needs to go, or if those pants need some thought.

My goal for you is that you are confident in each element of your closet, that it’s full of pieces you love, and that you have a plan for any you were previously unsure of. 

Here is a time lapse video of a closet organization. The primary goal was to group like items for easy access, and some pieces were culled in the process!

I am terrible at remembering to take before and after photos, so here are some grainy screenshots from the end of the video as the after.