Your Wardrobe Therapy

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YWT: Followup Appointment Ideas

So now you know what happens directly after your session.

But what about a followup appointment? Here’s what I recommend!

Seasonal: Go through the outgoing season, pull out the incoming season, work on shopping plans for both

Vacation: I can help you plan and pack for your trips! Can I do this as an initial appointment? Yes, it’s just easier (aka more time efficient) if I already have a mental map of your closet.

Shopping update: We can go over what you’ve purchased recently, prep returns, update your shopping list, and even shop together (online or in person)!

Style Session: Focus on styling pieces and outfits, determining your preferences, and honing your style tricks and skills!

Moving: I can help you sort and pack before you move, or set up your new space, or both!

Closet rejig: Maybe you just need some help getting your closet back into shape. If we’ve already done the work, I can come back to shuffle and fold everything back into place for you!

Or if you have anything else that you’d like to focus on, I’m all for it! I might have ideas based on your initial session as well. It is Your Wardrobe Therapy, after all!

Get started today!