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Review: Revea

This week, I’m reviewing the custom skincare regimen that I received from Revea! I’ve mentioned their moisturizer before in a skincare routine update, but this is the full deal. Scroll on for more information and interesting pictures of my face!

Full disclosure: a friend of mine is one of the co-founders, and I was gifted these products following beta-testing of their app and scanning technology. That doesn’t bias my opinion of these products, though I am incredibly proud of my friend and her team!

Revea utilizes technology to assess your skin, its needs, and customize skincare products for you. The regimen consists of an AM serum, PM serum, and moisturizer. The routine is designed to be used for three months, then you do another scan to reassess your skin and adjust your products as needed. (I won’t be able to do justice to explaining the scanning technology used, so please read about it on their website!)

The Scans

My first scan was on January 13. Here are the results! The scan also offers a more in-depth look at contributing factors in each category, which I’d be happy to share if anyone is interested. I figured this amount of information was a lot to start with!

I started using my products on February 1. As of April 25, that’s a full 12 weeks of use! The only non-Revea products I’ve used on my skin are SPF, BB cream, and cleanser. Here are the results from the second scan. The improvement in some categories (like skin milieu and energy supply) is dramatic!

As you can see, my skin quantifiably improved in almost every category (dermal fibers went down a few points, though is still excellent!).

The aspect I like most about this is that, when you try a new skincare product, the changes can be so gradual that you’re not sure if they’re working. My skin was already in good shape, so I wasn’t sure I’d be able to really notice a difference. Was my redness improved, or was I just looking for that? Did my skin feel any softer, or was it like that before? It was interesting and gratifying to see that my skin changed for the better over the last three months.

Below is a more direct comparison of the two scans. So cool!

Products & Packaging


  • Very attractive, also refillable! Each serum is 30ml.

  • I found the pump sometimes wouldn’t reset all the way to the top, so I wouldn’t always get a full pump. But maybe that’s to help control product distribution. It never failed to release product, until I used the last of my AM serum literally on Monday!

  • I just finished the AM serum after 12 weeks. I haven’t used up all of my PM serum (I’m more likely to miss my routine at night than in the morning), so that makes sense. I’d use 1-3 pumps, depending on how much came out, and I think that worked out well.

  • Of this current regimen, I preferred the PM serum. It just felt a bit nicer going on somehow. So even though they look the same, I could tell that the two formulas felt a bit different.


  • Beautiful, solid, refillable! Holds 50ml.

    • It also comes with a tiny spoon for scooping the product to avoid contaminating it with your fingers.

  • The base of my moisturizer is the 25 (find out more about their moisturizer types on their site!). It feels decadent and hydrating without being overwhelming or sticky.

  • I have some left (probably from not using it twice a day each and every day), so I think that’s a good amount for three months.

Price Point

The subscription is $250 quarterly for your skincare regimen, or

  • $1000/year, or

  • $83/month, or

  • $83/product every three months.

I’m pretty sure that’s more than I’ve spent on a single product or on skincare in a season, which honestly makes me hesitant about it!

That said, it is personalized, made to order skincare, and I’ve seen quantifiable results. My skin was in good shape before, but it has improved over the last three months. I really didn’t think that my skin could be better at the end of winter than the beginning of it, but here we are!

Revea’s price point is not accessible for everyone, and I haven’t fully decided if it’s for me either. However, I will be receiving the updated products in a few weeks, so maybe I’ll make my final decision after my next scan! Investing in my skin is worth it to me, especially if it means an easier routine, less time spent on figuring out what products to try, and less money spent on makeup to make my skin look better.

If you have any questions about my experience with Revea and these products, please leave a comment or shoot me an email!