Your Wardrobe Therapy

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“After undergoing a recent move…”

Each closet space has its own pros and cons! It can take time to figure out the best way to utilize a new space, which is not always what you want to do when you’ve just moved. 

Streamline the process by employing Your Wardrobe Therapy throughout your move. You could:

  • Have a session before your move, so you know that everything that moves is worth moving (and I can help you pack!)

  • If you can get in to your new space while it’s empty, make a plan so that the moving-in process is easier

  • Have a session after you’ve moved to organize everything in the new space

  • Reevaluate your space and seasonal wardrobe after about 3-6 months

I have a Timelapse of when I helped a client organize their closet months after they moved in. I organized everything by category (at their direction), made it look nice and much easier to navigate.

So if you’re thinking about moving, recently moved, or just need to rejig your closet space, try Your Wardrobe Therapy to make it a little easier!