Your Wardrobe Therapy

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A Study in Polka Dots

The most important shopping lesson I learned from my mom is about polka dots. My mom loves polka dots. She wears polka dots a lot! (Is part of my affection for polka dots because they remind me of her? Definitely.)

When polka dots are trendy,

she buys and wears polka dots.

When polka dots are not trendy,

she still wears polka dots. 

I apply this philosophy to trends in general! If there’s a trend that I like, I stock up. When the trends don’t suit me, I don’t buy them, and I continue to wear the pieces that I love.

Sometimes an intriguing new-to-you trend comes about, and becomes a new favorite. But buying pieces for the specific purpose of being trendy and not because you like it is a surefire way to waste your money and closet space. And nobody has time for that!