Your Wardrobe Therapy

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Update: Blog, Biz, Life

I haven’t missed any posts, but I have been taking time off in my own way! Maybe you haven’t noticed, but if you have, wonder no more! Here are a few little updates and plans for the future.


  • Summer in full swing! We’re settling into our routine, which means figuring out when I have time to write, take photos, and have appointments.

  • My closet and office aren’t complete messes, but close to it! I haven’t had time to really organize myself for the summer, or even bring out all of my summer clothes, but I will be working on those this week.

  • I’ll also take some photos and videos of the process in case it’s possibly interesting. I know I enjoy seeing a room, especially a closet, go from messy to organized!


  • I need to dedicate space and time to organize my closet and office, and then will be back to posting more outfit and photo-related content!

  • I filmed and posted an IGTV video recently, which was really fun! I also shared some stories. I want to do both of those more frequently for sure.


  • There will be openings for in person and virtual appointments, hopefully starting in July!

  • I’m going to do videos and stories about how they work, what to expect, and what can be accomplished in a session.

  • If you have any questions about appointments or the process, please shoot me a message or email so I can answer it for you, and anyone else that might be wondering the same thing!

  • Watch socials and appointments page for announcements and updates about that!


Thank you for your feedback and support!