Your Wardrobe Therapy

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Why I Love Clothes, Style & Shopping

An Ode to Fred and Mary

At this point, I think it’s clear that I love clothes: shopping for them, playing around with them, and wearing them. Most people assume that I get that from my mom, and it’s true! My mom and I love to shop together, have a lot of the same clothes, and I steal from her closet as much as she allows. But she’s not the only source. 

I also learned from my dad!

He has an amazing eye and clear opinions, and is very decisive. Many times, my mom and I have browsed a store and gone to the dressing room, and my dad would wander in and find something perfect that we somehow overlooked. I value his sartorial opinion as much as my mom’s, and he also appreciates the more unusual (some would say weird) like I do. 

I have had firm opinions about my clothing my entire life, but I started really experimenting with my personal style the summer after my sophomore year of high school. My parents were both very supportive, which might surprise you if you have any idea what my outfits were like in high school (and I know some of you do!). More than one person was surprised I was allowed to go to school the way I dressed, and possibly assumed that I changed after I got to school. But no, my parents knew how I dressed, and encouraged me. 

My parents taught me many things, and a love of style is one of them.

Now if you’re thinking, “but Mary, don’t you also love organizing clothes?” Yes, I do! Let’s just say that’s something I can offer my professional advice to them about, and happily so.

Happy Father’s Day to my dad, and happy birthday to my mom!