Your Wardrobe Therapy

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Outfits Inspired by the Beach

I have been fortunate to spend many of my summers growing up, and summer time as an adult, at the beach! Specifically, Rehoboth Beach. I wanted to pay tribute to this special place (where my parents met, I had my first job, met my husband!) the best way I know how: with matching outfits.

This first scene is from a hot morning on the beach. It was beautiful, but blazing.

I originally planned a different blouse, but then I realized the terrazzo blouse goes perfectly with an ocean scene! White denim jacket for the bright sun, and sparkly shoes like the water.

We spent a perfect afternoon at the inlet (specifically a long, late lunch at the Big Chill Beach Club). I could not get over the exceptionally beautiful view.

The colors in this cami go perfectly with the lush dunes and shore. There were yellow flowers in the bushes as well as abundant sunshine.

This lovely sunset is from four years ago. I love the soft colors and gorgeous textures. The light was magical.

I liked mixing different neutral tones and textures together. The pink jacket is the perfect addition of color. It’s hard to see, but the necklace is also really perfect with it.

The colors and textures of the surf are so gorgeous. It all blends together, but when you look closer, there’s so much variety and detail.

My neutral terrazzo blouse goes perfectly with the sand, rocks, and shells on the beach! I was amazed. I picked the bronze skirt and flax flats for more neutral color and texture.

I loved this other picture of the surf because of the sparkly bubbles from a tiny wave.

The pleated skirt is a similar color to the sand, and mimics the lines the water leaves in the sand as well. I loosely tucked the silk blouse because it reminded me of the flow of the water. My bubble earrings and sparkly sandals are like the water, and the necklace has the right colors!

This shell was such a find! The blurry wave makes for a gorgeous background.

For this one, I focused on details from the shell. The dress is the same color as the part of the shell, and there’s purple in it too. I layered two necklaces for fun texture and color. I didn’t have shoes that went particularly well, but I figured barefoot made sense for a sandy outfit!

Candy Kitchens, as we call it, was always a magical Mecca of sweetness. I love their bright and clean color scheme.

Of course I brought out my bright pieces! Could the sprinkle clutch be any more perfect for a candy store?

Funland was my summer job for six sweet seasons. It is so special to me to get to take my son (and nieces and nephews, and visiting friends, and anyone that will let me) there to make new memories.

Yes, I have a dress in a ticket print. Yes, I have a ticket keychain. The tee I stole from my son’s collection (it’s big on him!). I have worn this exact outfit to Funland before.

This is a funny bonus one! Lifeguards are in many places, but I loved the idea of adding this category to the list, especially for the opportunity to have funny sunscreen stripes on my face.

I love how these outfit posts look in a grid! I couldn’t get it to make a good thumbnail, so I’m popping it here instead.


What other places stand out as summer icons? I’m always adding to my notes for future posts!