Your Wardrobe Therapy

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Inspired by: Schitt's Creek

We’ve been watching Schitt’s Creek lately (just started season six, no spoilers please!), and while I love to laugh, I also really enjoy the wardrobe. It isn’t discussed very much in the show, but it is definitely a significant part of the overall experience, and of how you perceive the characters.

I don’t think any of my analyses of the character’s signature looks have spoilers, but here’s a warning for that just in case: if you haven’t watched Schitt’s Creek, there might be some spoilers below.

Johnny Rose

Johnny Rose still wears his bespoke suits (because he likes them, and doesn’t want to slash can’t buy new clothes), but usually skips a tie. He leaves the collar open on his shirts as a nod to the casual nature of his new life. He does usually wear a pocket square, which I love. Johnny’s suits are almost exclusively navy (which is interesting because of the color palettes of his family members).

David Rose

Black and white sweater, with black pants, sometimes with a skirt over top, and high top sneakers. David only varies from this uniform a few times, usually for plot-specific reasons. David knows himself, how he wants to be, and does not stray from that. At first, the people of the town don’t know what to make of David, but over time they learn: that’s how David is. David’s strong sense of self-acceptance and the town’s eventual understanding is a wonderful thing to watch unfold.

Alexis Rose

Alexis tends to wear floaty layers (like blouses, kimonos, and short dresses), denim shorts, and high heels. She doesn’t have as much of a defined color palette (lots of white, lots of blue denim, but also lots of sparkly black for formal, and also pops of brighter colors), and wears a lot of different looks, which I think says something about her personality. She is, arguably, the least-defined in her style (though she has a lot of it!) and the least-secure in herself. Even if she’s a bit aimless for the long-run, she knows how she wants to dress and present herself for the day, and that’s a good start. She’s probably the most difficult for me to dress like (especially since my warm weather clothes are packed away), so you could say my look is only a little bit Alexis.


Stevie’s signature look is slightly baggy denim (usually cuffed at the bottom), low top converse, and plaid toppers over plain tees. She’s supposed to look like a basic townie, and as we get to know Stevie, we see that she’s not very sure of herself and doesn’t like attention, which manifests in trying to blend in, rather than stand out.

Moira Rose

Had to save the most iconic for last. Moira wears black and white avant-garde looks and red lipstick, always. I love how much Moira does not acknowledge what she wears because (like David) it is just how she is, and she doesn’t need to explain or justify it. Much like David, others wonder about it and comment on it and don’t understand it, but that never matters to her. While her style is not for everyone, I think her dedication to herself and what makes her feel comfortable and presentable is admirable, and that is for everyone.