Your Wardrobe Therapy

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End of 2020 Reflection

I can’t believe it’s December, the end of a year, the end of this year.

I’d talked about starting a blog for so long, it’s surprising that not only have I finally done it, but it’s been a whole calendar year, and it’s still going! What a year to start a blog and a business.

I haven’t missed any posts. In the beginning, I finished and posted day of a lot of the time, sometimes barely making my self-imposed deadline. There have still been times when I wasn’t sure what was going up the following morning. But as I post more, I get a better idea of what I want to cover in the future. I’ve been hard at work brainstorming for my 2021 schedule!


I shared 320 (thru dec 27) of my daily outfits. Here are 12 of my favorites, in no particular order.

I have written 143 posts! Here are 6 of my favorites, in no particular order.

Inspired by Flowers

So I said “no particular order,” but this is definitely my favorite. I love flowers, and the outfits coordinated even better than I expected. I can’t wait to do another set of flowers, maybe after a visit to Longwood Gardens for research.

Styled: Statement Skirt

I need to do more of these posts because I love them so much. I love to play around with one item and see how many different outfits I can make.

Style Challenge: Rainbow!

I love a challenge, I love an excuse to wear bright colors, and this was so fun.

Q: How Do I Take My Look From Day To Night?

This came from a question from a friend of mine. It was challenging to not only answer it, but come up with examples. I thought that the thumbnail picture turned out really cool as well, which was not my original idea so it was a pleasant surprise!

My Skincare Routine & My Five Minute Makeup Routine

I had a lot of fun doing these posts. I love reading and talking about skincare and makeup. My skincare regimen has changed since then. There is a winter update coming in January!


A few friends have mentioned that they’ve read my blog, even citing specific posts. I can’t even say what that means to me. I feel a lot like I’m talking into the void (which is really what posting on the internet is like), so to hear that there are people other than my immediate family that read my blog is so moving. 

Speaking of my immediate family, thank you to my husband. He proofs many of my posts, lets me bounce ideas off of him, and always shares them on Facebook (which always makes me smile).

It’s been quite a year. Difficult in many ways (understatement of the decade). Keeping up this blog has been a bright spot for me, and I’ve really enjoyed it. Cheers!